Greetings dear parents,
The week we had was wonderful!
What did we do this week?
The children had lots of fun while engaging in different activities this week.
Literacy: during our literacy activity this week, we had a letter molding activity. To make the molds we tore pages of recycled magazines into small pieces then we soaked the pieces into a small clear box filled with a mixture of water and glue. After the children had mixed the pieces of paper with glue and water, they chose which letter they wanted to make a mold of. After the children had done so, they made molds of the letters they chose and put them outside on the sun so that they can dry up.
Math: during our math day we had a number tracing activity. We prepared print out of numbers starting from 1 to 10 on one paper. The children really enjoyed taking their time and tracing the numbers.
Science: we had lots of fun while experimenting with glue, soil and water. We started our project by explaining to the children that we will be making flowerpots. After we had finished talking about what we are going to do we started to mix glue, soil and water together, once we had finished mixing the soil the children noticed that the texture had changed; it had became more slimy and muddy as well.
After they had finished mixing, the children went into the art room and looked for materials they can use to mold it over; they found two clear plastic cans. Following that we molded the mud over the cans.
We currently are waiting for the pots to dry so that we can continue our project. We will update you of our progress the following week.
Next Weeks Plan
Monday- Cooperative game
Tuesday –Literacy
Wednesday – Science
Thursday – Math
Friday – Library
Our specials
Tuesday – Music and Movement
Wednesday - Art
· Every Wednesday we have art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.
· We recommend you to send a hat and sunscreen for your child, as it gets sunny after snack.
· Every Friday is our library day, so please send the children with their library folders
Have a nice weekend!
Preschool team.
