Greetings dear parents,
Hope you had a wonderful week! We would like to thank all of you for joining us over the weekend for our annual art auction , we hope you enjoyed your time with us.
We would like to ask you to send flash drives to school starting fom Monday to receive portfolios, favorite music and photos of your children.
We would like to inform you that parent teacher conferences have been extended.
What did we do this week?
This week we had blast while doing some of the children’s favorite activities that we had done during this academic year.
Our activities were storytelling, cooperative games, science, music and library.
During our cooperative games’ day, we had fun time playing two of the children’s favorite games, which were Mr. wolf and musical dots. They enjoyed both but they were excited while playing Mr. wolf. Before we started playing the game we talked about the rules, we wait for the wolf to say the number of steps we take, we don’t push each other while walking towards or running from the wolf. After we started playing the game the children were respectful and followed the rules of the games.
During our science day we had a wonderful time talking about animal habitats. Although this was our second time doing this activity the children really enjoyed exploring with animals and talking to their friends about what kind of animals they had in their hands. Following that they sorted the animals in their rightful habitat.
For music this week we had lots fun dancing and listening to different songs that the children chose. Some of the songs that we listened to were, elephants have wrinkles, the wheels on the bus, freeze hands go up, and miss Polly.
And this are some of the fun activities we did last week.
We had journals during our literacy activity. Here are the stories that the children shared with us: -
Thulani – I made a robot machine, it is making a donut, ice-cream and popcorn.
Yanis – Mommy, daddy and my brother jumping in the trampoline.
Andre – robot and fire truck. Mama, daddy and Andre eat cake.
Michal – Michal and Noam play ball.
Yazeed – the pink one is mommy, the green one is daddy, the orange one is my brother and the other one is grandpa.
Heran – Rainbow cake day.
Archer – I take my dog and dog food go to the cubby. And my mommy always gives me hug.
Amaury – Rainbow chase, cake, little fish and vegetable.
During our math day we had a fun time exploring with patterns. The children enjoyed making patterns with their friends and caregivers. The patterns that children made were ABAB and AABBAABBA.
Next Weeks Plan
Monday- Cooperative game
Tuesday –Literacy
Wednesday – Science
Thursday – Math
Friday – Library
Our specials
Tuesday – Music and Movement
Wednesday - Art
· Every Wednesday we have art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.
· We recommend you to send a hat and sunscreen for your child, as it gets sunny after snack.
· Every Friday is our library day, so please send the children with their library folders.
Have a nice weekend!
Preschool team.
