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Sep 29th Early Pre-K Blog

Dear Parents,

This week was mostly about our Meskel celebration. We spent some time practicing Abebayehosh song and on Monday we had a full rehearsal for how the students will come out singing and gather in on a spot. We talked about wearing Ethiopian traditional clothes and Tuesday morning all of our kids were looking great and excited to share that their family is coming to celebrate with us!

What we had for this week

In large group we kept going with the number three “3”, circle shape and the color green. We had different morning messages where student had to finish a simple pattern (Tringle, circle) and count how many “Flowers, Houses and People” do they see on the board. We always make sure that we do our calendar daily and mention the special thing we have on each day.

Math: We also continued with our counting topic for math this Monday working with numbers (1-5), our students did a good job understanding that counting 3 objects e.g. means that they have to stop when they reach 3 and not going all the way to ten.

Cooperative game: This Tuesday game, it was Bowling, which really helps to work on our gross motor and fine motor skills and eye- hand coordination.

Literacy: We had a tracing activity where students got the chance to trace zoo phonics using playdough in order to improve their fine motor skill too. They loved the activity and some we asking for their names’ beginning sounds to trace!

Music: We had another chance learning about beats using the drum and this time we went for complex kinds of beats e.g., “beat, clap” and “2 beats, 2claps”. Then we finished our class with an activity where students had to jump once, twice, or three times according to the beats they hear.

Art: Today our students had fun painting the clay sculptures that they did before.

Gymnastics: Again, we finish our last day in this week by doing some new moves in our gymnastics class, they were all happy and excited to stretch some muscles.

What are our activities for next week?

Monday – Math

Tuesday – Cooperative game

Wednesday – Science

Thursday – Literacy

Friday – Art

Our specials

Tuesday – Music

Thursday- Library

Friday – Gymnastics

Reminders and notes

  • Thursday is our library class remember to send the library folder and book.

  • Friday is Art class have your child wear suitable clothes.

  • As the weather is changing please send your child with a hat and sunscreen.

Have a wonderful weekend!

From the Early Pre-school and Pre-school team

Thank you

Have a good weekend!



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