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So Much Fun In Pre-K

Greetings dear parents!

How was your week? We had yet another engaging and educational week in the Pre-K class. As a reminder, tomorrow (Saturday October 26) will be our first family day of the year, and the theme is international day. Please see the flyer we sent in the group chat for more information!

Large group

Our large group time is always lively-  filled with different energetic activities like games, music, reviewing letters/numbers, and books. We are so proud to see that during our circle time discussions, all the students eagerly participate and share their insights turn by turn. This time is a great way to observe the students' interactions with each other, as well as to get to know everyone better individually.


This week in our literacy session we did an exciting, visual activity- matching letters with pictures! We have been focusing on letters- beginning and ending sounds, sounding out words and so on throughout this school year. This matching activity was a wonderful way to reinforce their learning in a format that is different from what we usually do!

Through this activity, the children continued to fortify their associations between letters and real life objects, for example “B for ball”. Then, our creative class had a blast coloring in the pictures. One of the things we loved the most about this activity is how it encouraged language development and cognitive skills in a playful, engaging manner.


This week in math we did a "color by numbers" worksheet. A color-by-number sheet typically assigns a specific color to each number. For example, you can say, “Number 1 is yellow, number 2 is orange,” and so on. As the children worked, we encouraged them to take time and match the number to the corresponding color.

Color by numbers is a perfect blend of encouraging the kids to recognize numbers, follow instructions, and express their creativity through color. This simple activity not only helps with number recognition but also strengthens fine motor skills and concentration.


This week in art the class had an absolute blast working on collage art! Collage letters are a fantastic way to combine art and literacy in our classroom. It’s messy, creative, and full of learning opportunities. Our class is full of tactile learners who love working with their hands, so this activity was a great fit. The children cut the letters, glued them in the order of the alphabet and also sang the alphabet song to remember the order while they made it. Making art out of letters helps reconfigure the alphabet learning in a fun, memorable way. The class was so proud of how it came out!


This week our gymnastics was so vibrant and engaging. We did an activity that consisted of setting up a series of hula hoops, which the children loved spinning around their waists. Then, they placed the hula hoops down on the floor and jumped in and out of them. We are amazed at the focus and coordination the class demonstrated! After that, we placed different colored dots on the floor and instructed the class to jump from dot to dot, trying not to touch the floor in between.  This activity encourages physical development, balance and coordination. The children were thoroughly enthused and did a fantastic job!

Next week’s Schedule:

Large group

Songs: Good morning songs

Circle time calendar

Books: Hooray For Books!

Small group

Monday: Science

Tuesday: Math

Thursday: Literacy

Our special

Monday: Ethiopian center/clay

Tuesday: Library

 Wednesday: Art


Every Tuesday is our library day, so we will be sending a book that your child picked from our library, which will be returned after a week on library day.

Every Wednesday is our art day so please send your child with art-appropriate clothing.



Thank you for your time!







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