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Story Tellers!

Dear parents,

We had a fun-filled week! We had a wonderful time exploring areas and playing with their friends.

The semester has come to end. During this semester we have made new friends, and our group has progressed in different learning areas.

What have we been up to this week?

This week for small group we had Cooperative Games, Science, Math, Literacy, and Library.

This week for Literacy we had a storytelling activity. During this activity, the children drew different things on paper then told their caregivers what they have done. When we started the activity one of the caregivers drew a picture on paper and told the children a story about the drawing that they made. After that, the children drew their own drawings and told their caregivers what they made.

Heran said she drew “a house and one, two circles”

Abigail said she drew “three dinosaurs, and they are playing together!”

Our activity for science this week was making play-dough. During our activity, we used flour, oil, and water. We started our activity by feeling the texture of the flour and by asking the children how it felt when they touched it. Following that the children mixed flour with a little bit of water, which made it a little sticky. After mixing water and flour together for a while, so that the flour can stick together, then the children added oil to the mix. Adding oil made the small pieces stick together to make the dough.

During our math activity, we continued talking about sizes. During our previous size activities, we have been discussing the two size classifications big and small. This week we introduced the children to another size classification, medium. For this activity, we used 3D shapes that fit the three size classifications. The children had a fun time lining the shapes by size from big to small.

Happy Holidays!

Early Preschool and Preschool



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