The Active One's
Greeting parents,
Happy Ethiopian New Year! We had an exciting week, as the New Year was the topic we have been talking about with our groups and come up with good ideas during large group.
Here is what happened in Large Group
This week, including our daily tasks we added New Year and a way to collect money was the talk of the week. After a long conversation about the celebration and what makes it different from the rest of the world as Sachi asked why is it 2014 not 2021, we proceed to how people go to different house and sing the cultural song ‘Abebayesh Woy’ and get money as a reward.
When we asked them how we can get money in the school, Finnegan answer very logical respond and said, “We go get a job in the office” and Yanet continued and said, “We can sing ‘Abebayesh woy’ in the school”, Zeno volunteered to be the money collector! With the money we collect we decided to save it to our ‘Meskel’ celebration to buy Bonfires.
Friday was the day we have been waiting for, as it was the day we decided to sing our ‘Abebayesh woy’. We went around each classroom, to the Admin office sing and sing our hearts out, after we finish we went back to our room to count how much we money we have collected and found out we collected 171 Birr.
Here is what happened in small group
o CVC reading and sound letter: as we have been exploring with Zoo-Phonics during large group, it is helping them to recognize and sound out more letters everyday. This week we challenge them on both to blending CVC words that ends with ‘at’ and sound out letters of CVC words.
o Season: we have continued our discussion on weather and season this week also. We have collected information from our previous session on season, this week session we talked about winter and summer. We saw a video on the type of cloth we wear during those seasons.
o Addition Worksheet: last week we have explored with the concept of Addition. This week we challenge the groups with some worksheet Additions.
o Gymnastic: the plan we had for our cooperative game this week was to wash bikes, school cubbies and more school materials but it was raining so we postponed it for next week, we did not sit around ass we needed to keep our bodies warm, we went to our Movement room and exercise with some gymnastic movements.
We send out some worksheets for both groups so please help them during the weekend and bring it back on Monday. Thank you.
The Kindergartens brought ‘I can read’ book along with their library book, please help them to explore with both book and send it back on their library day.
Afternoon session this week
· Music and movement: Movement is part of our daily routine, our groups and movement is inseparable. This week we explored with different movement music and dance instructions.
· Hospital Project: as we have tried to ask the afternoon groups on how we can change our blocks center to science center, they come up with a good idea to change it to hospital center. It would be a big center to develop for more weeks to come.
· Match the sound: for literacy this week, we stick all the small Zoo-Phonics on our board and circle them with the flash cards on our hands to match their beginning sounds. We challenge the kindergartens with ending sounds.
Enjoy this week pictures
