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The busy Bees

Monday 17th May 2021

Dear parents,

Thank you for coming on Saturday and make our Art Auction stunningly pleasant.

This week has been an awesome week where we discover variety ways of exploring things at different learning areas.

Large group

We have been discussing/approaching three different topics in our large group.

Caterpillar number sequence

Starting from last week we begun practicing number sequence parallel to counting and number recognition activities. First we recall the amount of snacks we fed it previously, later we count the number of popsicles to make sure our memory is right. Then based on the number of popsicles, we read the number written at last and so we guess the number that comes next. Soon after we feed our caterpillar with the same number of popsicles. These three procedures help us on three number learning areas.

Step 1: encourages us to relate a situation or frequency of time with a number.

Step 2: allows us to understand the symbol within its name as well as associated quantity.

Step 3: helps us to understand the order of the numbers. The one that comes before and after, this promotes their counting skill.

Feelings and Facial expressions

There are times that kids find it hard to understand, how their peers or people around them feel. We have observed that some of our friends chose to grab what they wished rather understanding their peers’ emotion. Believing to bring a change, exploring through the book about feeling and emotions was another experience in our large group journey. Children were given a chance to describe the feeling of the illustrated picture of a kid, just by looking at her/his facial expression. Before we turn a page, each one of us showed different expression too.

"I'm excited!"


After our Dinosaur touch, some of our friends came wearing clothes with Dinosaur patterns. Right after the teacher asked to take a look at the clothes we wear and tell the patterns to the entire class Archer said, “ Look! Dinosaurs!” pointing at Yanis’ t-shirt and went back to her legging saying, “Mine too has Dinosaurs!” Then the rest of the group went describing: Thulani went on, “I have cars. Some blue, red, yellow…..different colors.” On the next day the moment the word pattern mentioned, he stunningly described “There’re some lizards on my t-shirt. They’re green.” When he was asked to count them, he begun counting, “ 1, 2, 3, 4…… oooww! They’re too many to count!”

Watching our plants growing taller also made us notice that they are looking for a wider space. Therefore, we prepared a bigger patch of land and planted them there again.

While digging Archer shouted "What's that?" pointing at an Earthworm.

Small group


Music and movement: our session started with working on some workouts, while trying to follow the instruction given by our teacher. Minutes later some of our friends begun exercising as their desires. Then proceeded to our next activity which is Musical dot.


Literacy: Puppet Baba bear narrated his story. He told us how desperate he could be to eat honey and the excitement of having it always makes him sound “b…b…b.” Then we all started mimicking him performing the action. Right after sorting it from a bowl of 3D letters and stick it on the board, we practiced tracing it with the tip of our pointer-finger both on the board as well as sand.


Math: first we were encouraged to guess the number that comes after two, then fed our hungry caterpillar three snacks. Number three was introduced as a number that loves to cuddle and was performed practically. Soon after tracing it on the board by connecting three dots and practiced on sand, we went outdoor and were busy of grouping three either similar or same things. Some of our friends were even matching the things according colour, while grouping.


Special day Art: as a continuation of our gardening activity, we chose to put our gardening experience on a canvas.


Next week’s schedule

Monday: Cooperative game/ Music and movement

Work time: Library

Tuesday: Literacy

Wednesday: Math

Thursday: Art

Friday: Science

Quick Reminder

· Please send your child with Art friendly/old clothes both on Thursdays as well as Friday, since Friday is our science day and invites us to experiment a lot.

Thank you,

Have a nice weekend

Adiam and Martha



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