The Explorer!
Dear Parents,
Reminder, Saturday, April 02, 2022, we will be having this year’s first family day.
Our weeks were filled with activities that excited and energized us.
Our plan is going very well, we planned to decorate the school compound and the classroom, we already started decorating the school compound the classrooms we are still waiting for the kids’ interest. We are counting and waiting for the day we meet our beloved LE family!
Last week we celebrated our friend Ezana’s birthday and all the kids and teachers were singing happy birthday songs, wished him a happy birthday, then had a sweet cake, cookies, fruit salad and juice, thank you and again Happy Birthday Ezana!
Large group
As always we greet our friend with the good morning song and the children choose their favorite songs like; Baba black sheep, Row Row your boat and baby shark! And we read a book called, (Bedtime ted)!
In our message board we did these weeks is,
Zoo-Phonics; exploration, we focused on 3 letters (e, f, g) we have been talking about the sound they make, the zoo animals and what shape makes those letters like;
e- ellie elephant makes a sound - “e.”
f - francy fish makes a sound - “f.”
g - gordo gorilla makes a sound - “g.”
We also sang the zoo- phonics songs!
Calendar; we did our calendar everyday as always. We counted the day, with words starting with different letters, counting and remembering what day yesterday was and what day is coming tomorrow! We have been singing the days of the week song. Our friends are helping us by leading the class to do the calendar. We also did a number of the week by counting the numbers (5, 6,7) and did the same with 3d materials!
Small group;
This week has been full of exciting new exploration!
Music; music always brings children joy and happiness. We use different musical instruments like, Shakers Drum, Scarf, Xylophone, and Flute.
They all came up with different sounds by tapping with the stick, shaking and listening to the different sounds they make, and we all enjoyed it!
Math; for our math class, we repeated the number matching math activity again. We had fun singing the number song first, and after that we did challenge them again with the big numbers that ranged from number one up to fifteen!
The children understands and remembers the numbers and had a good time recognizing and matching them., but last time some of the numbers challenged them especially the number 13, 14 and 15 ,this week was better they were matching and understanding the concept of numbers!
Art; for art class this week, as our plan to decorate the school by planting and making crafts. The material we used were: can, spoon, shovel, soil and different flowers to plant and different paints to paint the cans.
Language and literacy; this week for literacy we explored with our friends' photos, we brought infants; toddlers and all friends' photos and tried to recognize their names. Our group is really happy to see their friend’s photo and name and they kept calling their name again and again.
After that we showed them the letters and asked if their name or any of their parents or families name starts with that same letter. They also tried to show their friends and teachers the actions of the letter.
Next week plan
Monday- Obstacle course
Tuesday – Math
Wednesday – Science
Thursday – Language
Friday – Art
Our specials
Thursday – Library
Friday - Art
· Every Friday we have art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.
· We would recommend you to send a rainy coat or jacket and boots if available. And maybe by checking the weather send a sunscreen for your child.
· Every Thursday is our library day, so we will be sending the children with books from our library, which will be changed every week on Thursday.
Have a nice week!!
The Early preschool team!
