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The Explorer Groups!

Dear parents,

It was another amazing week at Little Einsteins! The children are having a great time and they are excited because most of their friends are back from their vacation!

Quick reminder

You are all invited for Our Annual Art Auction; it is on the 28th of May. Your RSVP is greatly appreciated. (Let us know by the 20th of May by the latest)

Large group

We enjoyed our large group time, we sang songs, finger plays, do attendance list and read books.

After that we explored with the numbers of the week, we introduced more numbers, 11, 12 13, 14 and at the end we introduced the letters ‘K’ ‘L’ and ‘M’, we also had a conversation about the names the sounds and the action that they make.

Small group

Comparative games - for cooperative game we had fun time playing musical chairs, we make big circle with the chair and let everyone sit on it after that we started playing music the children started going in circles as soon as the music stops, they all find a chair and sit on it but every time we take out one chair until one chair is left, everyone participated in the activity. The children were very happy and learning to wait for a their turn and trying to wait for few minutes to give others a chance and whoever is participating in the activity was a winner!

Art _ for art we started a new project and part of the project was painting, it is a great time to see how the children were very interested and constantly working on their hand and eye coordination by focusing on the artwork! They were very excited making the art works with their friends, which you all going to be surprised to see on art auction day!

Work time – we have so much fun with stacking the blocks, the children were stacking, lining up blocks and cubes on the floor and make different molds with it.

Next Week

Monday – Music

Tuesday - Math

Wednesday – Science

Thursday – Language

Friday - Art

Our specials

Thursday – Library

Friday - Art


 Every Friday we have Art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing!

 we would recommend you send a hat and sunscreen for your child, as it gets sunny after snack.

 Every Thursday is our Library Day, so we will be sending the children with books from our library, which will be changed every week on Thursday.



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