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The Explorers!

Greeting Parents,

We would like to give you advanced information on your shopping list because our groups are planning to bring, ‘million, hundred, nineteen’ and many more numbers of candies and chocolates during Halloween!

Large group this time

· Communication is very essential for children to develop their confident, vocabularies and many more skills that will help them to be expressive. That’s why circle time during large group is the time we spend most of our time having different conversation topics. Our group’s talks about many things everyday, breakfast they had, about their families, activities they do after school, things they love and enjoy.

· Understanding what yesterday and today while exploring with calendar is becoming very clear for our groups as we had some confusing at the beginning. Same goes for months of the year and date. October is becoming their favorite month as we are planning to celebrate Halloween (Costume party) and we talks about during calendar time.

· Last weeks we started sight words, this week after revising last weeks sight words, which was ‘ I, to, and, can’ we brought the new words of this week, ‘for, by, the, up’

We have sent some of the sight words they explored for the last two weeks. Please help them to read and memorize them. It is NOT to be send back!

Small group this week

The Puppeteers: our literacy this week was full of creative and fun stories from our groups. here are their stories,

Joy: “Once upon a time there was a Jurassic Park. There was one Spinosaurus, he went swimming and look for fish. He brought the fish to his son and mom!”

Zeno: “Once upon a time, the ‘Chevalier’ fell in the water. The fish see the ‘Chevalier’ and the ‘Chevalier’ take the fish. The princess fell in the lava and the ‘Chevalier’ helps the princess. The bad guy takes the fish, cut it and eat it. the ‘Chevalier’ fell in the water and said “Help” and princess help!”

Finnegan: “Once upon a time there was a princess and she was all alone in her castle, and then somebody come and meet her. A man come and he was all alone with his cat, somebody came, and they say hello to each other!”

Eliab: “Ezana jump in the glue and Meme jump in the glue. The queen put the sticky in the water!”

The Puppeteers: our literacy this week was full of creative and fun stories from our groups. here are their stories,

Joy: “Once upon a time there was a Jurassic Park. There was one Spinosaurus, he went swimming and look for fish. He brought the fish to his son and mom!”

Zeno: “Once upon a time, the ‘Chevalier’ fell in the water. The fish see the ‘Chevalier’ and the ‘Chevalier’ take the fish. The princess fell in the lava and the ‘Chevalier’ helps the princess. The bad guy takes the fish, cut it and eat it. the ‘Chevalier’ fell in the water and said “Help” and princess help!”

Finnegan: “Once upon a time there was a princess and she was all alone in her castle, and then somebody come and meet her. A man come and he was all alone with his cat, somebody came, and they say hello to each other!”

Eliab: “Ezana jump in the glue and Meme jump in the glue. The queen put the sticky in the water!”

Sachi: “Once upon a time, there was a witch and it is me! And the witch trapped the turtle, the elephant and the king. The turtle and the witch put the bird in the cave and the witch keep the rabbit in the cave. The man keep the rabbit in the cave and the elephant said, “Finished””

Aylin: “Mom, ice-cream and more come (Putting the puppets in her fingers!) to my house”

Deborah: “The turtle is going up and down. The elephant said to the frog, “Hello and I like you””

The Soil Diggers: this week, after we do our research on seeds that grows fast, we finally decided what to seed in plant in our garden. Since they picked three seeds, Beets, Spinach and Tomatoes we went in our garden to divide the ground into three places. After that, they dig the soil so it will be ready for next week.

The shape Hunters: the couple of two weeks we have explored with 2D shapes and their components. This week we hide some shapes in different part of the school compound and our groups went hunting! We then sat in a circle with our board and markers, everyone talked about the shape they found, count, and write how many sides and the vertices the shapes have on the board.

The Explorers: our topic about “Where you from?” is related to different countries in the world, the activity lead us to begin another topic about Map. We began our small group by asking them what map is and why we use it for. It is part our plan to explore more on continents and the world.

The Racers: the race we had this week for our cooperative game included, cup of water and tires. We put the cup of water and the tires in line. We dived the groups and race to the finishing line without spilling the water. Luckily no one spill the water. It was nice to see our groups giving Hi five each other to the winner group.

Afternoon Session

Finding the other half: there was a puzzle that is divided in half with picture and letter on it, it was our group’s task to find the other half and the sound of the letter. After they finish putting the puzzle back, we sat in a circle to talk about the pictures first and the sound of the letters after.

Animal Pose: pretend play is something most children enjoy playing. After reading a book about Yoga pose, our group started to pose like a cat, dog, cow and many more animals. With that interest, we went outside to play a game called ‘Pose like animals’. They have come up with different animals and Mr. Crab had a difficult pose!

Shapes in our school: as we are in the topic of shapes, we tried to relate the concept of shapes with our surrounding by going out and look for shapes in our school. It turned out; the school has a lot of shapes!

The Rainmakers: this week in our science experiment, we talked about rain. We used shaving cream and green food color. We then crated our own rain!


o Since it is rainy season, please send your child with raincoat and boots.

o Some of our activities will include paints and water so please send your child with extra cloth, including underwear.

o We will start Art with paint soon; in our special day program, which is Tuesday, therefore it is advisable to send your child with an old cloth.

Enjoy the Pictures!



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