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The Explorers

Greeting Parents,

As you all know most of our friends are traveling back to their hometown, for that reason we had small ratio and we are joined the preschoolers for large group.

This week for Large Group

Our group loved the company of the preschoolers. They are super excited to knowing their friends name by singing the good morning song and other enjoyable songs like ‘Wheels on the bus, ‘Baa baa black sheep’ and we read a book called ‘Say please?’

This week for Small Group

Music: Music and movement is one of the activities that bring children joy and happiness. Last week we used different musical instruments like, Shakers Drum, Scarf, Xylophone and Flute.

We created our own small orchestra! While we explored with the musical instrument, they all come up with different beat, by taping with the stick, shaking the shaker and listening to different sounds, also we danced around the class room and we enjoyed it a lot.

Math; Counting and knowing how to write the numbers is one of the first step children will make when expressing into the world of mathematics. Learning to count is basic in giving a child a base knowledge in the mathematical field.

Our math activity was about tracing. We used laminated numbers and top lids; we let the children to write/tracing the numbers by using the lids.

The children were very attentive to understand the number concept; they follow the number direction and also develop their fine motor skill by putting the lids from the mat to the number.

Language; teaching children through play has been and will always be an excellent way of teaching them many learning areas. That’s why we made ‘Hunting for letters’ our literacy activity last week. We hide the letter inside a big rice tub, after that we let the hunters do their hunting to find the letters. While we did the activity we put on a, “Now I know my ABC’s” song. We are happy to see that some of the children recognized the letters; they get excited to show every letter they find.

We often try to teach them through hands on learning and sensory exploration. By touching the rice, it helps the children to explore with texture of the rice. The more they communicate in the activity the more they will develop their language and vocabulary.

When we did the activity, we had so much fun and that the children are getting better with their letter identification skills. We wanted to move on to the next plan, which will be teaching them Zoo-Phonics with songs and flash cards.

For work time

Movement, Games and Building, Hospital, Sand box and Library

Two weeks plan

Monday – Music and movement

Tuesday – Math (Making Pattern)

Wednesday – Language (Zoo phonics and Telephone talk)

Thursday – Science (Goop)

Friday – Gardening and Art

Our specials

Thursday – Library

Friday - Art


· Every Friday we have art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.

· We would recommend you to send a hat and sunscreen for your child, as it gets sunny after snack.

· Every Thursday is our library day, so we will be sending the children with books from our library, which will be changed every week on Thursday.


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