The First Bi-Weekly Blog By Infant and Toddlers
Dear parents we had a fun and introducing time with our kids this two weeks,
This is the first weeks for the kids so, they have been exploring different materials and we also have given them the opportunity to see touch and feel all the materials that are in our classroom.
Large group
Our large group was fun and joyful. We started by making a big circle and took a seat on our pillows then we took turns talking about our morning and the weekend and after that we sang good morning song, five little monkeys jumping on the bed, baby shark and the wheels on the bus song. We also read a book titled "All about me" and "Clifford animal sound "book. And while reading this book the kids are so excited about it and also they repeat the words from the book and they really happy to hear the story.
Small group
For small group time we had music then we put the musical materials in the middle, then the kids took their favorite musical instrument, we played the music and they started to explore the musical instruments. They were so excited to play the instrument and hear and identify the types of sounds each instrument makes
And also we had another activity which was accompanied with the freeze song, we talked about the instructions, when the music is on we dance when I stops we freeze, it was simple. Amazingly they understood the assignment, while we were dancing and playing around, when the music stops they froze! They had fun and enjoyed dancing around

We had filling and dumping activity with rice. We prepared different types of material and size. We had big tub which was filled with Rice there was also another empty tub and we used different sized cups and bottles filled them with the rice then dump it to the empty one.
We used animals, fruits, and train puzzle. They started exploring and tried fixing the puzzle when they finished they started sharing. They were sharing and solving problems on their own and they were helping each other. It was fun and nice to watch them help one another.

On our science activity we explored and discussed about sense of touch. We put different sensory materials on the mat. They started to touch the materials and notice the softness and hardness of an object like grass, rock, marble, and silky material.

On our art class. We give them colored papers, they choose their favourite color paper then started scribbling with markers and crayons. After they finished , they started explaining what they draw.

Next Week Plan
Monday - Music (Explore With Musical Instruments)
Tuesday - Math's (Color matching)
Wednesday - Literacy (Animal Puzzle)
Thursday - Science (Sensory)
Friday - Arts (Collage)
Wednesday- Gymnastics
Thursday - Library
The weather is changing so do not forget to send a raincoat, boot and hat and sunscreen for your child.
On our art days try to send your child with an art appropriate clothing.
Do not forget to return Library Folders on your Childs Library Day.