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The Gardeners

Dear parents,

We had a wonderful week! The children enjoyed getting ready for the celebration of Halloween. We would like to thank you parents for sending treats to school so that the children can share with their friends.

What did we do this week?

This week for small group we had cooperative games, literacy, math, science and library.

For cooperative games, we played a fun game using balloons filled with water and a plastic plate. During this activity the children tried to balance the balloon on the plate as they walked in a straight line. At first it was hard for the children to balance the balloon on the plate because it kept on rolling of the plate, but then the children started to come up with different ideas on how to keep it on the plate. Some of the ideas where; folding the plate so that they can hold the balloon, holding the tip of the balloon against the plate using their thumbs and tilting the plate towards their chest.

And for science, we continued working on our garden area, this week's project was making the soil moist and digging and making it ready to plant our seeds. Next week we will be giving the children choices of different types of seeds so that they can plant the seeds of their choice.

One of the most fun activities we did this week was preparing decorations for Halloween. The first decoration we prepared was bats, we used tissue rolls, wings, and black paint. We started by painting the tissue rolls black then sticking the wings on the tissue rolls. Once they were dry we hung them in the middle of our classroom. The second decoration we had was painting pumpkins with different colored paints.

Plans for next week

Monday – Cooperative Games ‘

Tuesday – Literacy

Wednesday – Science

Thursday – Math

Friday – Library

Have a nice weekend!

Early Preschool and Preschool



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