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This Week In Early Pre-K: Where Learning Meets Play!

Dear parents,

As we wrap up another exciting week, we are thrilled to share how much fun your children had while continuing to learn and grow. From creative activities that sparked their imaginations to hands-on experiences that deepened their understanding, this week was filled with opportunities for exploration and discovery!

Happy Birthday Ahmed


Large group

Last week in Early Pre-K, the large group time was filled with exciting learning experiences as the children explored the letter ‘n’ sound, the number 14, and the cylinder shape.

During the morning message, the children practiced their fine motor skills by writing numbers from 1 to 14 on the board, reinforcing their number recognition and strengthening their pencil grip. The activity was both fun and engaging, and the children took pride in their efforts as they completed the sequence.

As part of their focus on the letter ‘n’, the children brainstormed and shared a variety of words that begin with this sound. They excitedly named words like neck, nest, nose, Nina, and Noha. This interactive session not only expanded their vocabulary but also honed their phonological awareness.

To connect with the concept of the cylinder shape, the children explored everyday objects resembling cylinders.

For a hands-on exploration of the cylinder shape, the children headed outside for a special playground hunt. They searched high and low for cylinders and to their amazement, discovered that cylinders were everywhere in the outdoor area—on slides, chairs, climbing equipment, and more! This activity brought learning to life and encouraged them to observe their surroundings with curiosity and attention to detail.

Throughout the week, the children engaged in collaborative discussions, shared ideas, and deepened their understanding of these foundational concepts. Their enthusiasm and curiosity shone brightly, making it a wonderful week of learning and growth!



Monday's math session was an exciting continuation of our measurement topic, with a focus on understanding the concepts of heavy and light. This hands-on activity gave the children a chance to explore and classify objects based on their weight.

The teacher invited the children to move around the classroom and find objects to lift, encouraging them to think critically about whether each item felt heavy or light. The room buzzed with enthusiasm as the children eagerly participated, selecting items like pillows, mats, the toy kitchen stove, boxes, the trash can, tables, and chairs.

Each child had a moment to share their findings with the group, confidently announcing, “This pillow is light!” or “The chair is heavy!” The activity not only reinforced their understanding of weight but also supported their observational and communication skills.


Cooperative game

Last week, the children had a wonderful time playing the Traffic Light Game, a cooperative activity that combined fun with learning about traffic rules.

We began the session with a discussion, asking the children, "What is a traffic light, and what is it used for?" Their ideas and answers were thoughtful and enthusiastic, with some sharing that it helps cars stop and go, while others noted it keeps everyone safe.

The teacher then introduced the game, explaining that one child would play the role of the "traffic man" or "traffic woman," holding up either a red or green signal to tell the others when to stop or go. The children were excited to take on their roles and practice following the signals.


As the game progressed, every child had the chance to be the traffic leader, delighting in their turn to guide their friends. They listened attentively, cooperated beautifully, and had an absolute blast moving and stopping together.

This activity not only reinforced the concept of traffic safety but also encouraged turn-taking, listening skills, and teamwork. By the end, the smiles and laughter were proof of a successful and enjoyable session!



This week in our science session, we introduced an exciting new topic—animals! The children were immediately captivated, eager to dive into this fascinating subject.


We began with a general conversation, inviting each child to share about their favorite animal. This open discussion was filled with enthusiasm as the children took turns talking about the animals they love most. They described their chosen animals, sharing insights about where they think the animal lives, its color, and even the sounds it makes.


From lions and tigers to birds and cats, the children showcased their curiosity and creativity. Some children even mimicked the sounds their animals make, filling the classroom with a delightful mix of roars, chirps, and barks!


This session not only sparked a deeper interest in animals but also encouraged the children to practice their verbal communication and listening skills. It was a wonderful start to our new topic, setting the stage for more engaging activities and discoveries about the animal kingdom in the weeks to come!



In this week’s literacy session, the class was divided into two groups, each focusing on an essential skill to strengthen their language and literacy abilities.

One group dove into phonological awareness, working on Zoo-phonics from letters m through z. The children practiced identifying each letter’s sound, and shared vocabulary words that begin with those sounds. This engaging activity helped reinforce their letter recognition and phonemic awareness, laying a solid foundation for reading.


Meanwhile, the second group focused on rhyming words ending with the ‘ap’ sound, such as nap, cap, and map. They practiced recognizing these rhymes and even had the chance to create and write their own rhyming words on paper. They were excited as they proudly saw their efforts come to life in written form, boosting their confidence in both writing and spelling.

This session was a wonderful blend of collaborative learning and individual achievement, leaving the children feeling accomplished and motivated to explore more in their literacy journey!



During this week’s library session, the children enjoyed reading the story ‘The Very Busy Spider’. This delightful book not only captivated their imaginations but also tied in beautifully with our current science topic: animals.

The story introduced the children to seven different farm animals, making it the perfect opportunity to review the names and sounds of each animal. As we read together, the children eagerly identified animals like the cow, horse, pig, and sheep, mimicking their sounds with great enthusiasm.


The repetitive and engaging text of the story encouraged participation, while the intricate illustrations sparked conversations about the animals’ features and behaviors. The children also expressed curiosity about the spider’s hard work and perseverance, leading to discussions about how different animals live and interact.



Enjoy some pictures from today's gymnastics class!

Our next week’s schedule:

Monday- Math+ Music

Tuesday- Science

Our Specials

Tuesday- Library

Thursday- Art

Friday- Clay+ Gymnastics

Reminders and notes:

  • We will be having optional parent-teacher conferences on December 17th and 18th. These conferences provide a great opportunity to discuss your child's progress and connect with their teachers.

  • Tuesday is our library class so make sure to send the previous book back to exchange.


Have a nice weekend!



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