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This week in our Pre -k!

Dear Parents,

What an exciting week! We spent our week doing fun and educational activities.

Quick Reminder!

  • Tomorrow Friday, Oct 06,2023 school will be closed to avoid any inconvenience as roads will be closed or extremely crowded, This was advised by the Ministry of Education!

  • Fall break will be from October 16 - 20 (Monday - Friday). School will be closed.

Our large group

For this week, we started our large group by having a conversation with the kids by asking how their morning passed and if there was anything new that the kids want to share. Some of our children shared what they did in the weekend and what they had for their breakfast. After we did our circle time and sang different songs that the children chose, we moved to our message board that our kids love to do.

Our small group

For cooperative game session, we played an exciting game called "Bug In a rug". It involved choosing one child to be hidden under a blanket while the rest of the kids have their eyes covered. Then the children figure out the one that's under the blanket. They loved each moment in guessing who was missing among them. The game helped the students to focus and observe their surrounding while working through their memory skill.

During our Math, We did tracing and rewriting numbers. Before we started our activity, we showed our kids how they can hold the pencil when they write on the paper. We gave our kids numbers (1 - 10) to be traced. Tracing helps kids to identify numbers and learn how to write them. Our kids loved tracing the numbers repeatedly. After they finish with tracing, they moved to rewriting the numbers and most of our children were focused on their activity. We felt so proud when we saw our kids sharing their materials while doing the activity!

Our Literacy this week, we kept focusing on zoo phonics which helps children hear, identify, and use different sounds to make words. Our children were participating a lot and making various words using the sounds of the zoo phonics as always.

During our science session, We really had fun and exciting time which put a smile on our face! It was about the sense of taste that help kids to get familiar with different flavors.our kids had different kinds of things on the plates to be tasted like lemon, banana,strawberry, salt and sugar.All of them enjoyed the taste of sugar! they were saying "yummy! yummy!". We also gave them lemon and Abigail Y., Ruut and Milly said "It's sour!" together. We enjoyed each moment with our kids!


Our favorite session! Gymnastic! This week we did simple and relaxing exercises. We started our exercise by stretching our hands and legs. After that the children did warm up activities, the teacher guided them to do split which is very helpful for their muscle strength. we had fun!

Our activities for next week will be.

Monday – Music and movement

Tuesday – Literacy (Zoo phonics)

Wednesday – Math (Tracing numbers)

Thursday- Library

Friday – Science (touching and feeling)

Our specials

Wednesday – Gymnastic

Thursday - Library

Friday – Art


  • As it gets sunny, please send the children with a hat and sunscreen.

  • Every Thursday is our Library Day; please make sure to return the library folder.

  • Every Friday, we have Art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.

Have a joyful weekend!



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