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This Week In Pre-k!

Dear Parents,

We had a fun and great week with our children. We hope you had a great week too!

Large group

This week on our large group we sang morning songs, did our circle time, counted the caterpillar, and read some stories. For our circle time we focused on the letter ‘T’, the color blue and cone as the shape of the week. We also continued to do the message board and focused on the beginning sounds of different words. As usual our children were very active and engaged in the activities.

Small group

Cooperative game

For Cooperative game our kids were racing with each other to see who collects the most balls. We used hula hoops to collect the balls and when we said, “1 2 3 go!” the one who runs the fastest and collects the most balls wins! Our kids had so much fun and a good morning exercise.


On our Literacy session, we continued to work on the Zoo-phonics alphabets. We gave each child a letter to act out the stories and movement of the animal letters and the sound it makes. They also gave examples for the letters such as ‘b' for bear, ‘c' for cat and so on. We're seeing a great improvement in our children as they are engaged and attentive in the activity.


For Math our children were learning about patterns and finding out what comes next. We gave them worksheets to do where they select and trace the next item. They also did patterns with different colors. They were really interested and happy to do the activity.


For Science we continued animal habitats specifically Grassland and Polar habitats. We showed them pictures and they sorted flashcards of different animals in their correct habitats. They were excited and wanted to take more turns to do the sorting activity.

Our activities for next week will be

Monday – Music and Movement

Tuesday – Literacy (Zoo-phonics)

Wednesday -Math (Measurement)

Thursday- Library

Friday - Science (Gardening)

Our Specials

Tuesday – Ethiopian center

Wednesday- Gymnastic

Thursday - Library

Friday- Art


  • As it gets sunny, please send the children with a hat and sunscreen.

  • Every Thursday is our Library Day; please make sure to return the library folder.

  • Every Friday, we have Art so please send your children with art appropriate clothing.

Have a wonderful weekend!



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