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Two Amazing Weeks In Infant and Toddlers

Dear Parents,

It was another wonderful week here at LE. We had a lot of fun with our lovely children.

Large Group

During our circle time, we sang the 'Good Morning' song and did the attendance to know who was here and who was not here. After that, we had a fantastic time singing different songs according to the kids’ choices.

Music and Movement

In our music and movement session, we incorporated movement with songs, creating a lively enjoyable atmosphere. The children were feeling happy as they enthusiastically danced along. It was wonderful to witness everyone's excitement and engagement showcasing their moves. We ensured that everyone had a chance to participate by taking turns to dance in the middle. The atmosphere was filled with joy, laughter, and smiley faces.


We enhanced our literacy by incorporating a playdough exploration session, a familiar and beloved activity for the children. As we engaged in this activity, we were once again amazed by the imaginative creativity each child has.


During our gymnastics session, we introduced a captivating activity called body balance on the balance beam. The experience was truly remarkable as everyone actively participated, displaying immense concentration and determination. They were so enthralled by the activity that they eagerly requested to do it again. Engaging in this exercise greatly benefits them in terms of enhancing their balance, focus, gross motor skills, and self-confidence.


During our library session as per our usual routine, the teacher began by reading a book to the class. After enjoying the story together, we engaged the children individually by asking them to retell or recall key elements of the story.

Once everyone had an opportunity to share their insights, the children were given a chance to select a book of their choice to read independently or with a friend.

The library session fostered a love for reading and promoted literacy skills among the students. It allowed them to engage with literature, develop their imagination, and expand their vocabulary.



Our most recent artwork involved creating a beautiful butterfly using a unique technique of sticking beans. The process began with mixing the beans with paint. Next, we prepared the canvas by applying a layer of glue in the shape of a butterfly. The children were fully engaged while putting beans in the butterfly, and the final result amazed them.



In our math activities, we continued with the exploration of opposing concepts. We delved into the distinctions between dry and Wet. This topic provides a great opportunity for the children to develop their understanding of measurement and explore the characteristics of various objects.

The atmosphere during the activity was filled with excitement and engagement. To aid our investigation, we employed a variety of materials. The session was a hit, as every child adored it, sparking lively conversation amongst them about the observed differences.


Next week’s plan

Monday – Cooprative Game

Tuesday –Literacy

Wednesday –Gymnastic

Thursday –Science

Friday – Math


  Our specials

Wednesday -Art

Thursday- Library


  • Every Wednesday is art day, so please send your child with art appropriate clothing.

  • Every Thursday is library day,  so we will be sending a book that your child picked from our library, which will be returned after a week ln library day.

Have a nice weekend!!





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