Two Weeks Blog of Infant and Toddlers
Dear parents,
Dear parents, we had a wonderful week! The children were excited as we did a lot of exciting activities. Also we celebrate our Two friends Naod's and Noor's birth day we want to say happy birth day.
What we did this week
Our large group
We have been starting our large group by making big circle and greeting everyone with the Hello song. The children choose their favorite songs on the music book one at a time like, baby shark, the wheels on the bus and peekaboo. When they choose the song, if they don’t want to sing it, they would say "No" if they want it, they say "Yes". Also, we learnt some sign language like more, eat, drink and all done (finished), then we did attendance at the end we read a book called “farm animals”.
Our small group
For music and movement
On the music and movement class, first we sang some sitting down songs like 'How Much is that doggy in the window?, Ali baba farm, if you are happy and you know it’, after that we sang and we stood up and dance with freeze song and I like to move it song.
Literacy (Language)
During our literacy session, we made telephones using ice cream cups and threads. Before we began, we introduced the materials to the children. Then, we gave each pair of kids a telephone, and they started talking to each other through them. It was a fun activity, and the children enjoyed communicating with each other using their telephones!
“Hello, how are you?” Ivana
“What did you eat, you eat banana?” Jemal
“Hello, good. I eat” Mika
" what are you eating" Abiya
"What are you doing" Noam
For Art
This artwork was a fun part of our color identification activity. The kids showed a lot of interest in rolling with a rolling pin, so we incorporated it into our art class. We used various colors of paint such as red, purple, yellow, green, and blue. Then, we wound thread around the rolling pin, giving each child the chance to choose their favorite colors. They painted the thread, and we started rolling it onto the canvas. The children had a blast with this activity, and they really enjoyed seeing the colorful patterns emerge on the canvas.
On the clay section we made farm animals. We started by reading a book about farm animals and singing "Old MacDonald Had a Farm." Then, we practiced making the sounds of animals like cows, sheep, ducks, pigs, roosters, and horses. After looking at pictures of these farm animals, we gave each child the chance to choose one animal and make it using clay.
Joshua ‘’Sheep’’
Elias ‘’Horse’’
Mika ‘’Caw’’
Jemal ‘’Roster’’
Ivana ‘’Duck’’
They eagerly chose their animals and began shaping them one by one. It was a delightful and focused activity for all the kids, as they crafted their favorite farm animals out of clay.
On our library day, we talked about the rules for reading books, including how to turn the pages gently. We placed the books in a circle, and the kids each picked their favorite book to read by themselves.
As we had already planted the seeds two weeks ago, this week we began our session by reading the book "The small Seed." Then, we watered the plants and observed the changes as the sprouts grew bigger and bigger. It was exciting to see the progress of our plants.
We began by warming up with some jumping and running. After that, we sat down and stretched our arms and legs, reaching for our feet and lifting our legs up and down. It was a great way to get our bodies moving and ready for the day ahead!
Next week plan
Monday – Cooperative game
Tuesday –Literacy
Wednesday –Gymnastic
Thursday –Science
Friday – Math
Our specials
Monday– Clay
Thursday- Library
Every Wednesday is art day, so please send your child with art appropriate clothing.
Every Thursday is library day, so we will be sending a book that your child picked from our library, which will be returned after a week ln library day.
Have a nice weekend!!