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Two Weeks of Infant's Activities!

Dear parents,

Over the past two weeks, we’ve done a variety of fun and exciting activities in the infants class! The children were very engaged as we explored music, gymnastics, literacy and language, art, science, math, and clay. It’s been wonderful to see their enthusiasm and growth. We’re very excited to share the highlights with you! As a reminder, next week on Thursday (October 17) and Friday (October 18) school will be closed for staff training.

Happy Birthday Gian

Large group: During our large group sessions over the past two weeks, the children have been actively participating and enjoying our time together. We started by singing the "Good Morning" song, where the children clapped, waved their hands, and greeted their friends. They were very engaged as we sang "Clap, Stamp, and Shake" and "The Wheels on the Bus”. For attendance, the children excitedly stuck their pictures on the board, gave high fives, and clapped for themselves. We also read “Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Toes”, followed by practicing some sign language, including "please," "sorry," "thank you," and "you're welcome."

Music: During music time over the past two weeks, the children had so much fun singing songs about body parts! We sang "One Little Finger," "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes," and "If You’re Happy and You Know It". The children were very engaged, listening carefully to the music and following the actions. They even repeated words, like touching their eyes when the song said "eye" and saying the word themselves.

Gymnastics: In gymnastics class over the past two weeks, the children practiced walking on colorful footprint prints we stuck on the floor. We explained the activity, showed them how to walk on the footprints, and taught them to wait for their turn. They did a great job focusing, taking turns one at a time, and walking carefully. As they walked, they also named the colors of the footprints. It was a fun and engaging activity, and the children did so well!

Literacy and Language: In Literacy and Language class over the past two weeks, the children worked on identifying body parts and assembling picture puzzles. We printed out their pictures, cutting them into four pieces. First, we talked about body parts and sang Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes. Then, we showed them a sample of how to put the picture back together. Some children fixed their pictures on their own, while we helped others by asking, "Can you find the other eye? "The children were very engaged and excited, naming the body parts and even saying their own names as they worked on the puzzles.

Art: In art, we worked on identifying body parts through a fun activity. We started by singing Elephant Wrinkles and reading the book All about Me. Then, we explained the art project where the children were given face circles along with cutouts of eyes, ears, noses, and mouths. We asked them to count how many of each body part they had and point to them. After that, we gave them glue and brushes, and they began sticking the parts onto their faces. The children had a great time and were very engaged in the activity!

Science: In our science activity, the class learned to identify body parts. We started by showing them a picture and using a baby doll to explain different parts of the body. Afterward, each child got their own baby doll to explore. We asked questions like, "Where is the baby's eye?" and "Where is your nose?" The children eagerly pointed to the parts on the doll and themselves, using words like "baby ear" and "baby hand." They were very engaged and excited throughout the activity.

Library: In our library session, we started by discussing how to handle a book showing the children how to hold it and turn the pages carefully. Then, we gave them a chance to choose a book on their own and read independently. After they finished, the children helped clean up by putting the books back. We ended the session by gathering in a circle and reading one book together. The children enjoyed the experience and were fully involved throughout the session.

Math: In math class, we had an exciting math activity focused on sorting colors with blocks and pom-poms. Before we began, we sang a color song to introduce the children to the different colors. Then, we explained how to match the pom-poms to the correct colored blocks for example, placing green pom-poms on the green blocks. During the activity, we asked the children to identify the colors of the blocks and pom-poms, and they were very excited and engaged throughout the process. This activity helped develop their fine motor skills, color recognition, and problem-solving abilities.

Clay: We introduced a clay session for children and the first class was amazing! The children were very happy and excited as they explored the clay. They used their creativity to make different things like pizzas, cakes, cars, and even little babies out of clay. It was wonderful to see them so engaged and proud of their creations!

Our schedule for next week:

Monday – Music and movement

Tuesday – Gymnastics

Wednesday – Literacy


Our specials:

Wednesday- Art


  • Every Wednesday is art day, so please send your child with art appropriate clothing.

Have a nice weekend!


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