Warm week with Pre-k and KG
Greeting parents,
We hope work is keeping you all warm on this cold day; it surely does here at LE! The children are enjoying the weather, jumping in a little pond, get rained on “Accidentally”, predicting whether it will rain or not (our little meteorologist!). They are making the best out of it.
Large group this week
Since Art auction is coming up very soon, we talked to the children about it during circle time. It was a bit hard for them to accept that they will not be at the event, as they are the artists, but after some explanation they let it go! Most of our large group was passed with warm music and movements.
Small group this week
Yoga Ball: since the weather made it difficult for us to play outside, we stayed in our classroom and create exercises with the Yoga ball. Most of them are familiar with a Yoga ball and it was not hard for them to follow the instructions. They played passing the ball with their hands and feet; they dribble, roll on the ball, and head bounce. We had so much fun and plan to play this game every now and then during large group.
Leaf mold: we are continuing our session about composite; our collection of fruit peel is a bit small as Victor says that it would not be enough to cover the whole school garden! So we ask the other groups to collect all their fruit peels in our container. This week we talked about other materials that can be decomposed and we come up with leaves. We went outside and see the difference between a dry leaf and a green leaf and asked them the question ‘what do you think?’ after a long discussion, we went back to our classroom and talk about that not only fruits and vegetables decompose but leaves too. And also how it would be important for plants, we also saw a video on how the decomposition of leaf works and its use for plans.
Meter: children can get exposed to measurement in their own way by comparing their height, water bottles, snack box, and more materials. We have been revolving in those concepts for while now and after we explore with measurement units, Centimeter and Meter, this week we explored with meter and how we can use it. Everyone had the chance to measure different things in the school compound using a meter. With their teacher’s help, they were able to say how long the material is.
Quick Reminder
The school will be closed on May 13 (Tentative) for the celebration of Eid.
Picture this week.
