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Weekly Blog By Early Preschoolers

Greetings Dear Parents,

We had an amazing week, hope you had too, and we wish you happy holidays,

Reminder; school will be closed Tomorrow, Friday, April 14, 2023 for Good Friday (Sigdet Beal). School will be open back on Monday April, 17, 2023.

Our Large Group.

We had new zoo animals join us for our circle time each day. We explored with the zoo phonics letters e, f, g, and h. We all had a nice time meeting them! Our number for this week was 6. Our explorations with the weather and days of the week had also continued. We worked on our patterns on the board every other day. The book of this week was ‘I love hugs’.

Our Small Group

Music, Maths, Literacy, Science

Musical Mondays: Explorations with musical instruments continued, we started working on beats and rhythms. How we can hear different beats, how we can follow the musical patterns.

Mathematical Tuesdays: We worked on our patterns on a broader aspect, we were working on the AABBAABB pattern. We prepared yellow and red hard papers and blocks. We all started working individually with the hard paper colored yellow and Red. Some of us worked on ABABAB pattern and some to our amusement extended the pattern AABBAABBAABBAABB. After finishing working with the papers we changed the material and used yellow and red blocks to explore more with our patterns. It was so heartwarming to see our friends help one another, sharing their materials, giving and sharing ideas and to work as a team, we are the best team!!

Literacy Wednesdays: Our exploration with zoo phonics had continued. Zoo phonics is fun, exciting, fast and effective. We are able to review the letter sounds each and every day as we move, dance, and sing the hand motions also helps us to remember the letter sounds, we learn letter sounds before letter names. The alphabets we are exploring are all in small letter. These fun and colorful animal characteristics excites the children and easily catches their attention too. Each time we learn about our letters, we explore the alphabets sequentially and as a whole entity “a-z”. it is not fragmented.

Experimental (science ) Thursdays: our Gardening experiments are going well, on this week s episode of Gardening, we took time to see which seeds had grown out well, and which seed didn’t show any sign of growth. So we were able to identify that our Orange, apple, and watermelon seeds hasn’t sprouted nor grown. It was sad seeing that, however we discussed more further why they didn’t grow, some said “maybe they were thirsty”, “maybe no water”, and “no sun for our small small seeds” or we said maybe we didn’t plant it by taking the right steps and maybe next time we will do it with the right steps. After that we cleaned the gardening area, we collected, dry and fallen leaves covering our plants then finished by watering our now grown plants.

Our Plans for the next week

Monday - Cooperative Games and Music

Tuesday - Maths

Wednesday - Literacy

Thursday - Science

Friday - Gymnastics


Tuesday - Dance

Wednesday - Library


  • The weather is changing so do not forget to send a raincoat , boot and hat and sunscreen for your child.

  • On our art days try to send your child with an art appropriate clothing.

  • Do not forget to return Library Folders on your Childs Library day.

Once again we would like to wish you Happy Holidays!!!



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