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Dear parents,

We had fun and exciting week. The children were learning fun ways to share, building their social relation with others, and enjoyed signing the Ethiopian New year song ‘ABABAAYHUSH’. It went well and has started to become an everyday song for this week.

Our Large group

We have been starting our large group by singing the good morning song and we have been practicing Ethiopian new-year song ABEBAYHUSH which was liked and enjoyed by the kids, here all the children were trying to say LEMLEM with an awesome voice!

Story time: learning to read should be an enjoyable process to keep children motivated to improve. We were trying to retell the story tilted ‘FOX AND LION WORK TOGETHER’ that we stared reading last week surprisingly most of the children tried to retell the story as they understand it and they have got the moral of the story (teamwork works!)

Caterpillar-Our caterpillar marks the 19th day of school!

Our small group

For Literacy (Language)-We keep practicing on alphabets Aa, Bb, Cc and Dd with their right phoneme.

v Aa-Allie Alligator

v Bb-bubba Bear

v Cc-Cantina cat

v Dd-deedee dear

This activity also has got the attention of all children and let them practice it well.

For Math,

We have done counting numbers from 1 to 20 using different colorful blocks that grasps the attention of the little ones! In addition to this a worksheet was given to the children who are at kindergarten, and they tried to count pictures and write in number, that’s awesome to see!

At the end, we discussed what we did in our mathematics class here we discovered the kindergarten children can count and write beyond these numbers!

We are going to keep the same activity for the next week by counting and writing numbers from 1 to 30!

For Journal-Our journal is the favorite activity of all the lovely kids. This week, we were drawing a special flower called ADEYABABA that is found only in Ethiopia. We preferred to draw this flower because Ethiopian New Year is about to come soon. So, the kids took what they drew as a gift for New Year.

For ART-Stunningly, all the kids enjoy the art class with our teacher, this Thursday the children were exploring different inks with different color to paint our newly built bunny house. All the kids were super happy to take part of this exciting project! We cannot wait for all of you to see it once it’s all finished.

FOR MUSIC AND MOVEMENT-Oh! We were exploring and practicing ABABAAYHUSH for Friday. That’s magnificent practice!

v Friday was our special event since Ethiopian new is about to come so we were singing the ababaayhush song by going round the classes and office in the school and collected 605 birr then we bought some cookies and adeyababa flower by the interest of the children and then we celebrated it with all the people in the school which was really delightful time to have with our lovely innocent children Such kind of performance let the children develop

Next Week plan

Monday -Literacy

Tuesday _ Mathematics

Wednesday –Music and Movement

Thursday _ Journal and Art

Friday_ Science

Our Specials

ART- Thursday

Library- Friday


· As it still a rainy season, please send the children with raincoats and boats.

· On our Art Day try to send the children with art friendly clothing

Have a wonderful weekend!

Happy Ethiopian New Year!

From Perk and Kindergarten team!



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