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What Wonderful Week!

Dear Parents,

We had a short week but fun and awesome. We hope you had a lovely holiday! Thank you for all the parents who came to celebrate Meskel (Demera) with us.

Musical Monday:

We had fun exploring with different musical instruments, and the different sounds each material makes and their names. We also had a rehearsal for the Demera celebration.

Mathematical Tuesday:

We had a counting and matching activity. We had paper plates which had different number of circles drawn on them. we counted how many circles we had in our plates. The activity was to match the number of circles with the number of unfix blocks or bears, they got to choose which material to match with. Some of them counted really well, some were skipping some number while counting.

Library: We started off sitting in a circle and discussed the rules of the library. How to be gentle with our books, how to turn the pages, to have an inner voice so we don't disturb our friends. After discussing this we explored with the books found in our library, some of them were reading to their friends, some hid at the corner looking for a privacy to read on their own.

Gymnastics: What a relaxing time! Stretching our bodies feels so good! Stretching up high to touch the ceiling and stretching down to touch our feet. We did some flips back and front wards. We all enjoyed our time.

What are our activities for next week?

Monday – Music

Tuesday – Maths

Wednesday – Art

Thursday – Literacy

Friday – Gymnastics

Our specials

Tuesday – Library

Friday – Science


  • As it might be raining please send the children with raincoats and boats , as it might also be sunny please send your child with a hat and sunscreen.

  • On our art day try to send the children with art friendly clothing.

  • On your Child's Library day, please don't forget to return their Library Folders

Have a wonderful weekend!

From the Early Pre-school and Pre-school team



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