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Wonderful week in Early pre school and pre school

Dear parents,

We had a wonderful week in our early preschool and preschool, and we hope yours was good as well!

Quick Reminder

The school will be closed from May 1-3 for Labor Day and Ethiopian Easter Good Friday. Classes will resume on Monday, May 6th.


Our large group session was filled with lots of fun. After we heard about our students' mornings, such things as what they had for breakfast and other ideas they wanted to share, we sang our Good Morning song and our students' favorite song, "Me song." Then, we took attendance, talked about the days of the week, explored Zoo Phonics (I – M), and talked about the weather. We also read a book called "Biscuit Wants Find Friends."


In our small group sessions, math we made a color sorting activity. First, we discussed numbers 1 -10 and we mixed and put different numbers together. Then we asked the students to sort the numbers and put them together the students were very engaged when we did the activity and also, and our students had a great time telling us their favorite numbers.

"I am 3 years old" Liyat.

"Cristiano's number is 7" Yamen.

" My brother is 1 year old" Riley.


During our music session, we had a lot of fun. We sang different songs such as "Me Song”, “If You're Happy and You Know It", and "The Floor Is Lava" and then we explored different musical instruments. It was a fun time for everyone.

During our science session, we had a fun time exploring and feeling different textures. By using different types of textures, we see which is soft, which is rough, and which is hard. Our students use their hands and feet to explore things like cotton rope, stone, grass, and wood. While exploring here were some of the things they shared with us.

"The grass is scratched" Shishani

"I could not stand on the stone" Nina

"The cotton is very soft" Hala


During our library session, we worked on some library rules like how we should keep our voices down, how we should open books carefully, and how we shouldn't tear up books. After talking about these library room expectations and rules they started reading books and choosing which ones to take home. We had a wonderful time!!


In our art session, we worked on the blown paint on our canvas. According to our students' choice, we put different paint on the canvas, and then we gave them new straws and they used their straws to blow on the paint. The work was a bit tiring for them, but they were very happy with the result. 

During our literacy session, we made our journal. Our students draw their favorite things in their books using different colors.

                                  "This is an air balloon" Alya.

                                   “Look this is my finger" Liyat

                                   "Big house for my Daddy “ Milena



In today's gymnastic class we started the session by warming up by doing hopscotch. After that we stretched our bodies making the bridge move over the exercising ball.


Here is our plan for next week:

Monday - Music /Cooperative Game

Tuesday - Math

Wednesday - Science

Thursday - Literacy

Friday - Gymnastics


Our Specials

Tuesday - Library

Wednesday - Art

Friday - Ethiopia Center / Maker space


Keep in mind!

Every Tuesday is our library day, so please make sure to return the library folder.

Please send your child with a sunscreen and hat as it gets sunny after snack time.

Every Wednesday, we have Art so please send your children with art-appropriate clothing.

Have a nice weekend!



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