Zoo phonics and Early Preschoolers
Friday 11th June 2021 Dear parents, The clock is ticking! We are one week away from the last day of school. We are getting closer to the...

The Memory Makers!
Greeting parents, The fun exploration is continuing, and we make sure every minute count as we only left with a week to close the school...

Infants and Toddlers
Dear parents, It's sad to say good-bye to May and welcome June, it was very fast month with a lot of fun and excitement. The past two...

Learning at the Early Preschool
Tuesday 8th June 2021 Dear parents, It is hard to believe that it has been hundred days since we start our second semester, but at the...

The Fun Creators
Greeting Parents, There is this saying, “ The thing about a new beginning is that they require something to end” that’s how most teachers...