Dear Parents, Our second week of school has just gone by! Our class did a fantastic job adjusting to their new circle time calendar,...

Our Exciting Two Weeks
Greetings Dear Parents, The past two weeks have been fun and exciting for our class! We did an amazing job to settle in to our...

Our First Blog Of The Year ! Early Preschool & Preschool
Greetings Dear Parents!! It is so nice to have all of our lovely friends back and start this amazing annual year. Time goes by quickly it...

The First Bi-Weekly Blog By Infant and Toddlers
Dear parents we had a fun and introducing time with our kids this two weeks, This is the first weeks for the kids so, they have been...

Our First Blog Of The Year!
Dear Parents, We are so excited to start another school year. It has been two weeks since we began our exciting year. Everyone was super...